Final 24

A few weeks ago I started watching crime documentaries and loved them immediately. Earlier this week I was looking for something to turn on while I was doing homework and found a show called Final 24. I ended up turning it off because I was so intrigued and wasn’t getting any homework done but as soon as I finished I ended up watching 5 episodes in a row and am currently watching one as I type this. It’s a serious of hour long crime documentaries about celebrities such as Nicole Brown Simpson, Marvin Gaye and Sid Vicious. The show counts down the final 24 hours of their life and what led them to that point. You actually learn things about the celebrities that you never knew and see inside interviews from the police officers and family members/ friends that were there. It’s like a CSI episode but it’s true and about celebrities that you’ve heard about before. Very interesting if you’re into that kind of show.

2 thoughts on “Final 24

  1. Don’t you just love a good new show that keeps you from everything else! I LOVE finding a new series to get hooked to. I just may have to try this out because I recently started to like crime shows, like Castle and Criminal Minds. Th fact that this includes celebrities excites me, so thank you for sharing! I will have to check it out!!!

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