American Horror Story

This week I FINALLY finished the third season of American Horror Story! A few years ago I watched the first season when it was new and absolutely loved it. I loved the paranormal story lines and all of the characters. One of my favorite parts about the show was that a lot of the events were based on a true story but still fit into the plot of the show. I was SO excited for the second season until I heard it was going to be all new characters and a completely different story line. I tried watching the first few episodes that took place in an asylum but it was too gruesome and graphic for me to even get through. I knew the third season took place in present day and was about witches so there was no way it could be as bad as season 2. I ended up loving season 3! Still not as good as season 1 but definitely worth watching. I was starting to lose hope in the show but season 3 or American Horror Story: Coven, completely restored my faith. I am waiting for season 4 which is a circus theme to be available on netflix but I am even more excited for season 5! The upcoming season will be American Horror Story: Hotel which has endless possibilities. It’s safe to say I am back on the American Horror Story bandwagon and cant wait to see seasons 4 and 5 but in the meantime I may have to go back and watch my favorite season, American Horror Story: Murder House 🙂

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